January  2001

Welcome To The New Millennium!

Nov. & Dec. Coldest On Record In The U.S.

   Government weather experts confirmed that it was the country's coldest November-December period on record; with an average U.S. temperature of 33.8 degrees Fahrenheit, The old record, set in 1898, was 34.2. It was the country's second coldest November nationwide and the seventh coldest December, according to records kept by the Center in Asheville, N.C. 
   The National Weather Service is calling for a return to more normal winter conditions after several years of mild winters. Now conditions are more like those of the 1970's. The record cold was a sharp change from last year, which began with the warmest winter on record. Above normal temperatures made the January through October 2000 period the warmest such ten-month period since national temperature records began in 1895. 


Tellico Basketball Homecoming Queen Crowned

Meika Jones Basketball Homecoming Queen.
Homecoming Queen Meika Jones

   Meika on the Basketball Lady Bears and being crowned Homecoming Queen;  "I really have never been on a winning team like this of course. I love all the girls, and so far I have done my best to look out for all of them. Being named Homecoming Queen has been a joy, and I never thought at anytime that I would be the winner. I was just pleased on getting to run for Homecoming Queen. Success is a journey, not a destination, and keeping this in mind has got me happiness, and the will to win in many opportunities. Being crowned Homecoming Queen has been awesome, because I love to do anything to represent my school."


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